As a specialized consultancy, we support companies during tough times

Corporate crises usually represent an extreme situation for entrepreneurs. On the one hand because the crisis can lead to insolvency or sale, on the other hand because the crisis means completely new territory for many entrepreneurs, often combined with the hope that this situation, which threatens the existence of the company, can somehow be overcome.

In this special situations, quick and targeted action is usually required, as the options for action are significantly reduced as the crisis progresses and the pressure - often also from external business partners - increases significantly. Restructuring and reorganization approaches initially focus on the economic stabilization of the company and the implementation of immediate measures. At the same time, performance and/or financial improvement measures are initiated in order to regain competitiveness and a return on investment in line with industry standards and thus overcome the crisis in the long run.

The earlier the causes are identified and countermeasures are taken, the greater the likelihood of not only overcoming the crisis but also emerging from it stronger.

Our activities cover the entire process from concept development to active implementation support by a CRO team. With our longstanding experience, we can support mid-sized companies in this very special situation with a professional, comprehensive, and customized approach.

Restructuring concept according to IDW S6

In a crisis, banks often require an external restructuring concept

In order to eliminate a shortage of liquidity, the company needs a credible concept, as the financing partners generally require a restructuring concept that complies with the German Federal Court of Justice's case law (BGH) and the requirements of IDW Standard S6. Such a concept is therefore a prerequisite for the granting or extension of loans, even in situations of loss. It should show the financing partners whether and how the company can survive in the medium and long term.

IBR/Going concern forecast

An individual restructuring concept is the basis for improving the earnings situation and is in some cases legally mandatory.

Liquidity management          

Professional liquidity management reduces pressure

Chief Restructuring Officer (CRO)

Consistent restructuring management ensures success

Without implementation, all good intentions are worthless. All too often the measures get stuck. It therefore helps the company and increases the degree of execution if the implementation of the defined and quantified measures is driven forward by an external party - detached from day-to-day business.


  • Tapping purchasing potential
  • Optimization of personnel and resource deployment
  • Implementation of cost reduction programs around overheads
  • Lean management and productivity improvement programs
  • Adaptation of the organizational structure and business processes
  • Development of controlling systems and establishment of financial excellence